
Mother/Baby Homes

Mother/Baby Homes services offered in Northern California, including Oakland and Fairfield, CA

Mother/Baby Homes

From the very beginning of our work, Harmony Homes for Healing in Northern California, including Oakland and Fairfield, has had mothers in mind. We support mothers with babies by providing clean, beautiful environments where mothers and children can feel secure and safe without worrying about their next meal. To learn more about physical, emotional, and mental health support for mothers with babies, reach out to Harmony Homes for Healing by phone, Facebook, or online today.

How does Harmony Homes for Healing provide support mothers with babies?

Motherhood is a challenging adventure of its own, and it can quickly feel overwhelming when you are worried about providing secure, stable housing to your family. The caring team at Harmony Homes for Healing works to help you handle the practical must-haves and the nice-to-haves, such as:

  • A safe place to stay
  • Access to food
  • Limited transportation
  • Paid utilities
  • Free cable TV
  • Household supplies
  • Case management support
  • Support groups and counseling

Additionally, the Harmony Homes for Healing team wants to ensure you and your family have an environment that is not just safe, but clean and beautiful.

By taking some of the burden off your shoulders, the team wants to give you the chance to focus on other things that are important to you, such as health, childcare, returning to permanent housing, and education.

Is there also mental health support for mothers with babies at Harmony Homes for Healing?

At Harmony Homes for Healing, mental health support is treated as essential, not a luxury. Licensed peer-to-peer counselors create a supportive space for you to work through everything you have survived and overcome so you can look toward the future with hope.

If you struggle with addiction, you have access to weekly 12-step programs, such as AA or NA meetings, in a judgment-free setting. Harmony Homes for Healing also prioritizes weekly group meetings to foster community and connection for the residents within the home.

With weekly Harmony Circles, you have the chance to support and be supported by other mothers with babies, sharing your struggles, pain, joys, and goals with those who can truly understand.

As a mother with babies, how do I get access to support?

When looking for a living space to give you and your family the support you need, contact your local county welfare office, case manager, medical provider, or other social service agencies for a referral. They can direct you to resources you can trust.

Harmony Homes for Healing has a good reputation with mental health professionals in the community.

To learn more about the resources Harmony Homes for Healing dedicates to single mom support, reach out via phone, check out the information on Facebook, or contact the team online today.